Welcome back to Crew Tips, a series that gives you best practices and simple steps for making the most out of your Crew app, on both Android and iOS. In our last installment, we focused on how to use Shared Groups, which can be particularly effective for streamlined communications during the COVID-19 crisis.
This week, we’re focusing on task management, specifically how to make a task repeat. As your locations think towards opening and operating safely during the pandemic, there are countless health and safety precautions and policies to consider. Getting a firm grasp on task management, particularly those that need to happen on a regular basis, is a critical piece of smooth operations during the crisis.
From the Task line item on your Chats tab, tap on the task you want to repeat. Or, from the Task Box itself tap “Details.”
That’s it! A notification will be sent to your team member/s at the time intervals you’ve set up, ensuring that critical tasks don’t slip through the cracks.
If there are other Crew features you’d like us to dig into here, let us know on Twitter, and in case you missed our last Crew COVID Tips, check it out: How do I use Shared Groups?
If you and your team are curious about or ready to start implementing fast, efficient and powerful communication with your frontline workforce - especially during COVID-19 - please don’t hesitate to let us know. We are waiving fees for businesses directly affected by COVID-19 and offering 24-hour deployment and would love to help!