My Day Today (mobile devices only)

The My Day Today feature is a quick and easy way to see what your day looks like when you’re on your mobile device. If your calendar is stacked, or if you have some space in your schedule, you’ll know about it first thing when you check the app.

The Today Line Item

The Today line item will bubble up to the top of your Chats screen when you have something scheduled for the day (e.g. a shift, a meeting, or a photo schedule). If at least one thing is scheduled you’ll be able to see the details of the shift, meeting, or whatever it is. If you have multiple responsibilities scheduled, the first one will show in the Today line item.

   Here’s what this team member has going on today

Tap on the Today box to see those Calendar details. If you have multiple responsibilities scheduled they will all appear here.

Tap the Today line item to see details of what you have scheduled

You can also make shift cover and time-off requests from this screen.

Nothing Scheduled?

If nothing is scheduled for the day, you can get something set up, right from the Today line item. Just tap it to get to a list of options, from adding a meeting (this may be an Admin-only option) to adding a shift. You can also scroll through the calendar at the top of the screen to get a preview of your calendar on other days, or to schedule something there.

You can also add to your schedule from the Today line item


Note Android users: From the Today line item tap “Add to Calendar” to add a shift or a meeting to your schedule.



     Android users can add to the Calendar from here.