Welcome back to Crew Tips, a weekly series that gives you best practices and simple steps for making the most out of your Crew app, on both Android and iOS. Last week, we covered how to get in touch with Crew Support.
This week, we’re focusing on a feature that really helps to keep your team on track and make sure that everything that needs to get done is actually getting done: creating, assigning and tracking Tasks on Crew.
Tasks are jobs you assign to your team members—either to an individual, to a specific group of employees, or even to yourself! The Task function is particularly useful for jobs that happen on a regular basis—like restocking bathrooms or turning in time cards—though it can be used for one-time jobs too. Tasks also function as every group’s to-do list, allowing a specific set of people to share, talk about, and follow up on their common duties.
Creating a Task
First, make sure the Tasks feature has been enabled by an Admin.
Now, five easy steps to creating a Task:
1. From the Chats tab, tap the Tasks line item. You can also search for Tasks to quickly locate this feature
2. Tap the Add icon. (Note This icon may look different on different devices.)
3. Describe the new task and tap “Done” at the bottom of the keyboard
4. Assign the task to the appropriate employee/s or group. (Note On iOS devices, in addition to whichever employees they select as assignees, the person creating the task will also be assigned the task.)
5. Tap “Create Task”. Once a task is created, the assignees are notified, and once they've marked it as complete, the task creator will also be notified
Pro Tip: If you and your team are on Crew Pro, you have the option to restrict Task creation to Admins only.
Next week, we’ll go more in depth on how you can customize Tasks, make them repeat and track their progress.
What else would you like to learn about? Let us know on Twitter using #CrewTips!
READ MORE :: In case you missed last week’s post and wanted to share it with your team, check it out here: How do I contact Crew Support?